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** The student is expected to compare and contrast the use of art elements and principles, using vocabulary accurately.

**Produce drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics, fiber  art, photographic imagery, and electronic media-generated art, using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways.


Lesson Plan: Linoleum  Printmaking Stamps


Expected Duration:

 10+ class periods


Principles & Elements of Art: Pattern, Repetition, Rhythm


Vocabulary Words:

pattern, repetition, regular planned pattern &  irregular pattern, drop pattern & radial pattern, motif, printmaking, brayer &  linoleum, positive & negative shapes, contrast, rhythm.


Lesson Objective(s): (What is it we expect our students to learn?)

Students will be introduced to the Principle of PATTERN in printmaking. And the positive/negative space.



 Be introduced to printmaking as an art form (historical).

Be introduced to printmaking as a skill to be learned (perception).

Design their own personalized rubber stamp (creative expression).

Print their stamps with printing ink/paint on paper (creative expression).

Create patterns with their stamps (perception).





Instructional Strategies/Activities:

Students will identify positive and negative space. Students will observe how the stamp is a mirrored image of the stamp.


Students will create rough drafts of personalized printmaking design stamps. Then, students will handle the end of a linoleum cutter and cut into the linoleum their designs.


Students will practice stamping with their printmade stamps on paper.


Students will create a planned design on their paper either symmetrical or assymetrical.


Evaluation of Student Learning:

 Review the student work and judge on these questions:


 1.Was the student successful in creating a rubber stamp?

2.Did the student identify the vocabulary?

3.Did the student create new patterns?

4.Did the student understand the Principles of pattern, rhythm & contrast?

5.Was the composition neat and well executed?

6.Color schemes used?

7.Did the student make good use of their time?