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General Science

Google Classroom

We will use Google Classroom for daily bell ringers, several homework assignments, to distribute lab instructions, etc. Please join our classroom using this code: mxrak1 — — Parents are welcome to join as well to stay informed on what's happening in class!

Safety Contracts

Safety contracts signed by the student and a parent/guardian must be on file with Mrs. Walters for the student to be able to participate in lab activities.

Lab Footwear

Students must wear appropriate footwear on lab days. Closed-toed shoes and boots are appropriate; sandals and flip-flops are not. Students should plan to have a possible change of shoes available to them on lab days. If they are in unsafe footwear, they will not participate in that day's lab activity and will have an alternate assignment.

General Science is a course designed to develop students’ understanding of a variety of topics in science.  Students will gain mastery of relevant scientific topics through reading, laboratory work, lectures, videos, projects and computer work.  Students will develop greater awareness of the importance of scientific principles in everyday life, and will work on developing creative and critical thinking skills important in science. Students will gain practical laboratory skills through hands-on lab work.  Research opportunities, text work and group work will complete the course.


By the end General Science, students will be able to:

  • Define the nature of science and how it works
  • Use tools of scientists and organize data into tables and graphs
  • Define matter and describe properties of the various states of matter
  • Describe the structure of atoms and how they interact
  • Identify information located on the periodic table of elements
  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic chemical reactions
  • Test for and identify properties of solutions, acids, bases and salts
  • Describe motion and forces
  • Define work and identify various types of energy, including heat, wave, sound, light, electrical and magnetic


1. Blue or black ink pens &/or pencils & loose-leaf notebook paper for assignments turned in.

2. Notebook &/or folder for retaining all class materials, including lecture notes.  Please have a notebook just for General Science and separate from other classes.

3. Colored pencils (not markers or crayons) for completing certain assignments.

4. Textbook & charged Chromebook.



1. Students will keep a notebook / folder containing all work done for Integrated Science.  It should be divided into four sections: lecture notes, important papers (syllabus, outline, safety contract, etc.), returned labs/homework and quizzes/tests. Keeping this notebook should help you in organizing your studying and will be particularly useful in preparing for exams and finals.  This page, the course outline and safety contract should be in your notebook at all times. This notebook will be checked each quarter as a part of the class grade.

2. In order to participate in laboratory activities, students must have a safety contract (which has been signed by them and a parent or guardian) filed with the teacher.  Safety contracts will be handed out and discussed in class.

3. Students will take lecture notes during class. Notes will be kept along with the Science folder and checked each quarter as a part of the class participation grade. More information about note taking will be given in class.

4. Grades for Integrated Science are based on homework, labs, exams, assigned projects and class participation. The grading scale is the standard set by the district and is as follows:

100-90%        = A

89-80%          = B

79-70%          = C

69-60%          = D

59-0%            = F



1. Students will be respectful of each other and their learning environment.  This includes listening to others, raising hands, and respecting the personal property of others.  It also includes the care of any equipment, plants and animals in the classroom (living or non-living).

2. Laboratory work is potentially dangerous!  It is necessary that all students act maturely and responsibly during lab activities.  Safety requirements and class rules must be followed at all times.  Students must have a signed safety contract on file before participating in lab activities.

3. Homework assignments are to be completed and turned in on time and in a neat, orderly fashion.  Work should be written legibly on loose-leaf paper, in pencil, blue or black ink or typed, and properly headed.  Failure to comply with these criteria may result in being asked to re-complete the assignment.  Failure to turn in homework may result in staying after school to complete the missing work or in loss of points on the assignment.



1. Respect your classmates, the teacher and the class rules.

2. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.  If you are not, you will be counted tardy. After three tardies, you will be assigned to after school detention.

3. Do not bring food, drinks, candy or gum into the classroom; bottled water (in a clear container with a lid) will be allowed. Water may not be taken into the lab.

4. Come to class prepared to succeed – with charged iPad, pen & pencil, paper, and completed homework. Having to leave the room to retrieve needed materials will count as being tardy.

5. No passes from the room will be given once class begins.  Coming to class late requires a note from the office or teacher who detained you.

6. Have a positive attitude, enjoy yourself and learn something every day!