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July 10, 2024 - Organizational Meeting


Unified School District #377 Board of Education

USD 377 Administrative Building, 306 Main Street, Effingham, KS 66023

(913) 833-5050 / FAX (913) 833-5210 /

BEST Students, BEST Staff, BEST Schools!!!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024,  6:30 P.M. 

(A) – Action Item        (D) – Discussion Item


1.01   CALL TO ORDER – (A)


RECOMMENDATION: To approve the agenda as presented


Speakers are encouraged to register by calling the Clerk of the Board at (913) 833‐5050 by 2:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Speakers may also register at the BOE meeting site, prior to the beginning of the meeting.

Hearing of Audience Rules:

  • Presentations shall not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Subjects, other than policy issues, will generally be referred to the administration.
  • Comments shall be limited to issues and not refer to personalities.
  • Presentations must be in good taste befitting the occasion and the dignity of the board meeting.
  • When addressing the board, please be reminded that matters of a personal nature which, by their nature, identify an individual are prohibited by federal law in public discussion. Please assist us in protecting the privacy rights of students and staff.

Other Notes

The Board President shall be responsible for recognizing any speaker, maintaining proper order, and adhering to the set time limit.  The President may interrupt or terminate an individual’s statement if it is disruptive, not germane to the business or activities of the Board, or in violation of Kansas Statutes regarding meetings or activities of the Board.

The Board President may deny any individual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct of a meeting may be threatened by that person’s appearance.  The President has the option to stop the proceedings and poll the Board to determine if a speaker may continue.

During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal attacks, or rude or defamatory remarks of any kind about any employee or student of the School District or any person connected with the School District. The Board will also not accept public comments containing vulgar or obscene language.  Any individual wishing to make a complaint about school personnel shall submit the complaint in writing to the Superintendent.  If the complaint involves the Superintendent it shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Board.

3.0  Presentations 



Designate clerk, deputy clerk, treasurer, and school attorney. 

(K.S.A. 72-1131 et seq.; 72-1135; 72-1136; 10-1117; 79-2934; 10-801 et seq)


Purpose:  The Board will appoint the Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Treasurer as outlined by Kansas Statute 72-1135 and Kansas Statute 72-1136

RECOMMENDATION: To appoint for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Mrs. Joy Brown, Board Clerk; 
  • Mrs. Abigail Kesinger, Deputy Clerk;
  • Mr. Steve Caplinger, Treasurer of the Board of Education.

4.02      APPOINT 2024-2025 SCHOOL ATTORNEY (A)

Purpose:  To appoint the 2024-2025 School Attorney.  The proposed contract from Mr. Ethan Hausman and Mears Hausman P.A.  was accepted by the board at the June Regular meeting . 

RECOMMENDATION:  To appoint Mr. Ethan Hausman and Mears Hausman P.A. as school attorney for the 2024-2025 School Year. 


5.01  Approval of BOE Meeting Minutes 06/12/2024

5.02  Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Activity Reports, Bills & Claims, Petty Cash Reports

5.03 Accept Correspondences and Reports

5.0301 Keystone BOD Minutes 05/15/2024 

5.0302  Keystone Superintendent Council Agenda 07/09/2024

5.04    Review and Accept Organizational Documents

5.0401    Accept the Annual FERPA Notice to Parents

5.0402    Bank Signature Card Authorizations

5.0403   Approve the Advance Payment Authorizations

5.0404   Approval of 2024-2025 Annual Resolutions 

5.0405   Accept appointments and designations for 2024-2025 

5.05  Approval of the Personnel Report

5.06   Approve Meal Fees for the 2024-2025 School Year 

5.07  Acceptance of Gifts and Grants 

5.08   Acceptance of the Sports Complex 3rd Quarter Reimbursement Request



6.01 Board Clerk

6.02 Superintendent’s Report 

6.03 Keystone Update


7.01  KASB Policy Updates- Second Read (A)

Purpose: Second reading of the suggested policy updates from KASB. Action can be taken to adopt the recommendations.  USD 377 had all of the proposed policies except for those that are new due to changes in State Statute.  Proposed policies were updated to match designations and language alternates in existing policies as needed.   

Supporting Documents: KASB Proposed Policy Updates

Recommended Policy Updates

TOC B School Operations

TOC C General School Administration

TOC E Business Management

TOC G Personnel 

TOC I Instructional Programs

TOC J Students

BBG Consultants - Deleted

BCBK Executive Session Motions

CJ Hiring Consultants

CL Administrative Teams

EBBG Cardiac Emergency Response Planning

EE Food Service Management

ID Instructional Programs

IF Textbooks Instructional Materials and Media Centers

JBE Truancy Waiver of Compulsory Education

JGFGA Admin of Emerg. Opioid Antagonist

JH Student Activities

KK Disposal of District Property

Recommendation:  To adopt the Policy Recommendations as presented. 

***On Tuesday, July 2, a preliminary injunction was granted by a federal judge in Kansas that prevents the final Title IX rules issued in April from going into effect on Aug. 1, 2024. Therefore, the following policies that were presented for consideration in June will not be recommended for adoption at this time. 

GAAC Sexual Discrimination

GARIA Parental, Family, or Marital Status & Pregnant & Parenting Employees

JGEC Sex Discrimination

JGECAA Parental, Family or Marital Status & Pregnancy or Related Conditions: Students

7.02    Community Eligibility Program for Food Service (A)

Background:  Starting in January of 2024, USD 377 enrolled in the Community Eligibility Program for Food Service which allowed us to offer free meals to all students.  The cost exceeded estimates and participation did not see a substantial increase.  

Supporting Documents:

2023-2024 Cost

2023-2024 Meals Served

2024-2025 Estimate

Recommendation:  To discontinue the Community Eligibility Program for Food Service which offers free meals to every student. 

7.03 Approve 2024-2025 Handbooks (A) 

Supporting Document:  


  • To approve the Parent student handbook with or without the eligibility changes. 

  • To approve the Activities Handbook as presented. 

7.04  Facility Improvements (D)

Background:  Two months ago DCS presented the Facilities Assessment and all BOE members were asked to make a top 5 list to prioritize facility improvements over the next 5+yrs.  We will continue to discuss the Board priorities for facility improvements. 

Recommendation:  Discussion and guidance only

7.05   Transition from 8th Grade to 6th Grade Promotion: (A)

Background:   In May, the Board discussed transitioning from the 8th Grade promotion to a 6th Grade promotion.  It was requested that a survey be sent to parents. 76 parents responded to the survey with 72.6% saying they would support the transition to a 6th Grade promotion.  

Recommendation: Move that for the 2024-2025 and 2025-206 School years, promotions are held for the Kindergarten, Sixth and Eigth Grade Classes. After the 2025-2026 School year the Kindergarten and Sixth Grade Classes will have promotions. 


8.01   RNR and Budget Hearing for 2024-2025  (A)

Background: KSDE released the budget tool on June 28.  We will notify the County Clerk by July 20 of our intent to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate and the highest Mill Rate we wish to consider.  Along with this notification we also will need to notify the County Clerk of the day/time of our hearing to exceed the RNR.  We will then need to publish the budget in the paper announcing the Budget Hearing.  We will need to have a hearing for both the Revenue Neutral Rate and the Budget.  We cannot have these prior to August 20 and must be done by September 20.  

Recommendation: To hold the 2024-2025 RNR hearing at 6:20 pm on Wednesday, September 11 followed by the Budget hearing at 6:25 pm.


9.01 EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations  (A)

Recommendation (20 minutes): Move to go into executive session to discuss negotiations pursuant to the exception for employer-employee negotiations under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the board room at_______.


9.02  EXECUTIVE SESSION – Personnel (A)

Recommendation: Move to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel matters pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the boardroom at_______.


10.01   OTHER


10.02   ADJOURN