ACCES Tigers
5th/6th Grade Language Arts
Mr. Joseph Forbes
Plan Period: 2:00-3:00
School Telephone: 913-833-4420
Email Address:
Student Expectations:
Students will treat teachers, students, and school property with respect at all times.
Students will raise their hand when they want to contribute and wait to be called on.
Students will keep their hands, feet, and objects to themselves at all times.
Students will be in their seat with appropriate materials when class begins.
All assignments will be turned in on time, any late assignments will be docked 10% for every day they are late.
Teacher Expectations:
Mr. Forbes will treat all students and parents with respect at all times.
Mr. Forbes will come to class prepared and ready to teach.
Mr. Forbes will be available during plan times and over email.
Mr. Forbes will make every effort to give any extra help a student may need.
Mr. Forbes will return grade assignments in a timely manner.
Grading Rubric:
Daily Work/Homework: 30%, Tests/Projects/Major Assignments: 45%, Accelerated Reader: 5%, Weekly Spelling Units: 15%, Daily Journals: 5%
I am dedicated to working with you to foster the educational achievement of your child. I will post reminders of due dates for major assignments and tests on my portion of the school website: go to schools, elementary teachers, Mr. Forbes. By working together your child will have the opportunity to dream, achieve, and succeed.