Mrs. Eileen Montgomery
Fifth/Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher
School Phone Number: 913-833-4420
Plan Period: 8:00-9:00
Student Expectations
*Students will treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times.
*Students will cooperate with one another.
*Students will take responsibility for their own actions.
*Students will raise their hand and wait to be called on to speak in the classroom.
*Students will be prepared with classroom materials every day.
*Students will complete their assignments by the due date in order to receive full credit.
Teacher Expectations
*Create a supportive and warm climate.
*Focus classroom time on teaching and learning.
*Create situations for all students to succeed.
*Set high expectations for students.
*Return student work in a timely manner.
*Show respect to all students.
*Implement classroom rules fairly and consistently.
Grading Rubric
*Daily Work = 25%
*Projects = 15%
*Chapter Tests = 60%