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About Anita Stutesman

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and to welcome your student to my class.  A good learning experience is built on a cooperative effort among parents, student, and teacher.  I look forward to the work and growth we will all accomplish this year.

I grew up as a farm kid near Valley Falls.  I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Kansas State University.  This will by my 10th year of fulfilling my dream of being a teacher.  My husband Charlie, and I have been married for 21 years and we currently live in Valley Falls.  We are proud parents of many pets that bring joy to our busy lives. 

My expectations for conduct and academic standards are high.  With your participation both in and out of the classroom, we can look forward to a productive, creative, and enjoyable year together.

You can help by providing me with any information that will aid me in better understanding your student.  Some things I am interested in include the following:

  • Important experiences that may be affecting your student’s state of mind (death in the family, a best friend moving away, loss of a pet, etc.)
  • Special medical needs
  • Study habits at home
  • Television viewing habits
  • After school activities and special interests
  • Feelings toward school and with authority

Although I am interested in anything that could be affecting your student, it is not necessary for you to reveal personal information.  Please know that anything you do say will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

Good communication between parents and teacher is most vital for success in the classroom.  My goal is to keep you informed in as many ways as possible concerning your student’s educational growth and development.  In turn, I hope you will feel comfortable to contact me when you have questions or concerns.  At school the number is 886-8381 or on my cell phone 785-220-5404.

  The following are a few things you need to be aware of in the classroom.

  • Whenever your student misses a day of school, you must call the school that day to notify us of your student’s absence.  Also your student will need to makeup the work the following day.
  • Please send a note or call whenever you student will not be riding the bus.  There may be someone other than myself doing bus duty.  If you are picking them up every week on the same day, you only need to send this note one time.  If the school is not notified, they will be placed on their assigned bus.
  • Once a month, we will send home a book order in your student’s red folder, which allows you to order children’s books if you choose to.  Checks should be made payable to the book club.  I have been using Scholastic in the past.
  • Book-It Program – Our school will be participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It Program beginning in October.  At that time, we will set the goal.

Again, welcome!  Please feel free to contact me about any questions or concerns you may have.  My classroom door is always open, and messages can be left for me as well.



Mrs. Stutesman

Anita Stutesman

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