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7th Social Studies



7th Grade Social Studies

1st Semester: World Geography

2nd Semester: Kansas History


Teacher:              Amanda Hughes                 


Geography Units

  1. Introduction to Geography
  2. Physical Geography: The Earth and Landforms
  3. Physical Geography: Physical Systems
  4. Human Geography: Culture
  5. Human Geography: Government, Economics, and Religion
  6. Human Interactions with the Earth and Environment

Kansas History Units

  1. Early Peoples, Exploration, and Drawing Boundaries (7000 BCE – 1854 CE)
  2. Statehood and Civil War (1854 – 1865)
  3. Kansas: To the Stars through Difficulty (1865 – 1890s)
  4. Progress and Reform (1860s – 1920s)
  5. Good Times and Bad (1920s – 1940s)
  6. Kansas and a Changing World (1950’s – 2000’s)
  7. Kansas and a Modern World (1970s – Present)


Textbook:           World Geography

**The textbook will be downloaded onto the iPad.


The Kansas Journey

**The textbook can be found in the classroom and checked out upon request.


Grades:                                Grades will be determined upon daily work, projects, test scores and participation.

Late Work:          1 point deducted for every day the assignment is late

                                After 5 days, the assignment will remain a 0 in the gradebook.



  1. Class begins and ends with the bell.
  2. Bring all necessary materials to class (iPad, paper, pen/pencil)
  3. Be respectful to your classmates, teachers, and yourself.
  4. Take responsibility and ownership for yourself, your work, your actions, and your words.
  5. No games on Chromebooks.

Amanda Hughes

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