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Biology-Advanced Studies Bell Ringers

Complete the answers to daily bell ringers on Google Classroom. Bell ringers are recorded every two weeks, and count toward class participation points. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the bell ringer(s) you missed.



Questions for the week of 1.13 wink

Mon 1.13 = 

  • Name the 3 subphyla of Subphylum Chordata & list the common names for each.

Tue 1.14 =

  • Describe a fish to someone who has never seen one before.

Wed 1.15 = 

  • List 3 things all fish have in common.

Thu 1.16 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum, subphylum, superclass & class do lampreys belong to?

Fri 1.17 =

  • What did you find interesting about yesterday’s dissection?


Questions for the week of 1.6 smiley

Mon 1.6 = No School; Teacher Professional Development

Tue 1.7 = No School; Snow Day

Wed 1.8 = No School; Snow Day

Thu 1.9 = 

  • How are invertebrates different from chordates? 
  • Name some examples of chordate animals.

Fri 1.10 = No School; Snow Day



Questions for the week of 12.16 enlightened

Mon 12.16 = 

  • Compare and contrast bilateral symmetry & radial symmetry. 
  • Name 1 example animal for each.

Tue 12.17 =

  • List three characteristics common to all animals

Wed 12.18 = No Class; finals in other periods

Thu 12.19 = 

  • What are 3 invertebrate animals you have found interesting this semester? 
  • Why?

Fri 12.20 =

  • N/A


Questions for the week of 12.9 indecision

Mon 12.9 = 

  • Look up & list 3 characteristics of members of Phylum Echinodermata.

Tue 12.10 =

  • What does the term “echinoderm” mean and why is it an appropriate term for this phylum?

Wed 12.11 = 

  • List 3 characteristics that make echinoderms different from other phyla we’ve studied.

Thu 12.12 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum and class do sea stars belong to? 
  • Why should we not call them “starfish?”

Fri 12.13 =

  • Name the classes of echinoderms, and one example for each.


Questions for the week of 12.2 surprise

Mon 12.2 = 

  • List 3 facts about insects.

Tue 12.3 =

  • List five examples of arthropods.

Wed 12.4 = 

  • List 3 of the major orders of insects, and examples of each.

Thu 12.5 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum, subphylum & class do grasshoppers belong to?

Fri 12.6 =

  • List 3 ways arthropods are different from other phyla we’ve studied.


Questions for the week of 11.25 blush

Mon 11.25 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum, subphylum & class do horseshoe crabs belong to? 
  • What makes them more like arachnids than crustaceans?

Tue 11.26 =

  • What are 3 things you found interesting in yesterday’s part of the dissection?

Wed 11.20 = No School; Thanksgiving Break

Thu 11.21 = No School; Thanksgiving Break

Fri 11.22 = No School; Thanksgiving Break


Questions for the week of 11.18 cheeky

Mon 11.18 = 

  • Which animals belong to Subphylum Chelicerata? 
  • What are chelicerae used for?

Tue 11.19 =

  • What are chelicerae?
  • What are pedipalps? 
  • Which groups of arthropods have them?

Wed 11.20 = 

  • Compare and contrast centipedes & millipedes

Thu 11.21 = 

  • Compare & contrast complete and incomplete metamorphosis.?

Fri 11.22 =

  • Compare and contrast insects and arachnids.
    • Include 2 differences + examples of each, as well as a similarity.


Questions for the week of 11.11 laugh

Mon 11.11 = 

  • List 3 facts about arthropod anatomy & physiology.

Tue 11.12 =

  • What kind of circulation do arthropods have? 
  • How is it different from your circulation?

Wed 11.13 = 

  • List 3 examples of crustaceans. 
  • How are their bodies adapted for life in water?

Thu 11.14 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum and subphylum do crawfish belong to?

Fri 11.15 =

  • What are the chelipeds on crawfish? 
  • What purposes do they serve?


Questions for the week of 11.4 wink

Mon 11.4 = 

  • Name three structures you observed dissecting squid and tell the purpose for each.

Tue 11.5 =

  • List some ways that gastropods & bivalves are physically different from cephalopods. 

Wed 11.6 = 

  • Which kingdom, phylum & class do clams belong to? 
  • List their main body features.

Thu 11.7 = 

  • What does the term “arthropod” mean? 
  • What kinds of animals are arthropods?

Fri 11.8 =

  • What are the body segments called for arthropods with 2 body part? 
  • For those with 3 body parts?


Questions for the week of 10.28 wink

Mon 10.28 = 

  • What kinds of animals are considered mollusks? 
  • How do they differ from worms?

Tue 10.29 =

  • List the main body features found in mollusks. 
  • Which is missing in bivalves?

Wed 10.30 = 

  • Which kingdom, phylum, & class do squid belong to?

Thu 10.31 = 

  • List three facts about squids from the background info in the lab instructions.

Fri 11.1 = No School; Teacher Professional Development


Questions for the week of 10.21 smiley

Mon 10.21 = 

  • List the class of segmented worms, and 1 example for each.

Tue 10.22 =

  • Name the 3 phyla of worms and list the classes that belong to each.

Wed 10.23 = 

  • What kingdom, phylum & class do earthworms belong to? 
  • What are some of their key body features?

Thu 10.24 – 

  • What are 2 things you found interesting about the earthworm dissection?

Fri 10.25 – 

  • Name the 3 phyla of worms, and a fact about each that separate them from the others.


Questions for the week of 10.14 yes

Mon 10.14 = 

  • Compare & contrast flatworms & roundworms

Tue 10.15 =

  • Describe an earthworm to someone who is unfamiliar with them.

Wed 10.16= 

  • What is a closed circulatory system? 
  • Which type of worm has this?

Thu 10.17 – No School; P/T Conferences

Fri 10.18 – No School; Teacher Workday / Comp Day


Questions for the week of 10.7 enlightened

Mon 10.7 = 

  • What is a flatworm (compared to other worms)? 
  • What phylum are they members of?

Tue 10.8 =

  • Why are flatworms considered acoelomates? 
  • How many digestive openings do they have?

Wed 10.9 = 

  • Which flatworm has a scolex and proglottids? 
  • Describe what each of those parts are.

Thu 10.10 

  • What is a parasite? 
  • How can they affect their host organisms?

Fri 10.11

  • What is a coelom? 
  • What kind of coelom is found in flatworms?
  • In roundworms?


Questions for the week of 9.30 cool

Mon 9.30 = 

  • How do ostia & the osculum relate to each other? 
  • Which animals have these?

Tue 10.1 =

  • List three ways members of Ph. Porifera & Ph. Cnidaria differ.

Wed 10.2 = 

  • How can worms be beneficial? 
  • How can they be harmful?

Thu 10.3 

  • What animals will you be presenting? 
  • Why did you choose these animals?

Fri 10.4

  • What kinds of worms are members of Ph. Platyhelminthes? 
  • What’s one thing you’ve learned about them from homework assignments so far?


Questions for the week of 9.23 surprise

Mon 9.23 = 

  • List the main classes of Cnidarians, and 1 example for each

Tue 9.24 =

  • Name the classes of Ph. Porifera & 1 example for each.

Wed 9.25 = 

  • What animals are you researching for your project? 
  • What is 1 interesting fact about each?

Thu 9.26 

  • Compare & contract Ph. Porifera & Ph. Cnidaria

Fri 9.27 – No School; Teacher Professional Development 


Questions for the week of 9.16 cheeky

Mon 9.16 = 

  • Name the two cnidarian body forms & list the types of animals that have each.

Tue 9.17 =

  • What kingdom, phylum, & class do Moon jellies (Aurelia) belong to?

Wed 9.18 = 

  • List two things you now know about Cnidarians that you didn’t know last week.

Thu 9.19 

  • What are cnidocytes? 
  • How do they relate to nematocysts?

Fri 9.20 

  • What did you find interesting about dissecting a jellyfish?


Questions for the week of 9.9 cheeky

Mon 9.9 = 

  • What are the ostia & osculum in a sponge? 
  • What do they each do?

Tue 9.10 =

  • Describe a member of Ph. Porifera to someone who has never seen one before.

Wed 9.11 = 

  • What is a spicule and its purpose? 
  • What materials might they be made of?

Thu 9.12 

  • How is a sponge different from coral or sea anemones?

Fri 9.13 

  • Contrast the polyp & medusa body forms of cnidarians.


Questions for the week of 9.2 laugh

Mon 9.2 = No School; Labor Day

Tue 9.3 =

  • What is an appendage? 
  • What symmetry type has appendages? 
  • Name 2 appendage examples.

Wed 9.4 = 

  • What are 3 animal characteristics only seen in animals with bilateral symmetry?

Thu 9.5 

  • List the 3 of the 5 general characteristics of animals.

Fri 9.6 

  • Describe a sea sponge. 
  • What kind of symmetry does it have?


Questions for the week of 8.26 wink

Mon 8.26 =

  • What is the difference between invertebrates & vertebrates? 
  • List 2 examples of each.

Tue 8.27 =

  • What does it mean to be a heterotroph? 
  • What types of consumers are there?

Wed 8.28 = 

  • What is symmetry? 
  • Name the types of symmetry seen in the Animal Kingdom.

Thu 8.29 

  • What is a coelom? 
  • What is necessary for a coelom to be found in an animal?

Fri 8.30 

  • What is cephalization? 
  • How does it help animals?


Questions for the week of 8.19 smiley

Mon 8.19 = No school; teacher professional development

Tue 8.20 = No school; teacher workday

Wed 8.21 = 

  • What is zoology?
  • What is forensic science?
  • What is genetics?
  • What are you looking forward to / fearing in Biology~Adv. Studies this year?

Thu 8.22 

  • Why is it important to have labs in a science class?
  • Why is safety in the lab important?

Fri 8.23 

  • List at least 3 things that make an animal different from something nonliving.





Noelle Walters

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Homework is due on the date posted on the website. Late assignments will be accepted up to 5 (FIVE!) days past the due date. Following that, a grade of 0 will be received for missing work. Special circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 


Bell ringers!

Bell ringer questions will also be posted in Google Classroom, and all answers will be submitted as responses to the Classroom quesitons. Bell ringer grades are updated every 2 weeks. Bell ringers count towards class participation. If you are absent, you are responsible to make up the bell ringer(s) you missed!

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