Complete the answers to daily bell ringers on Google Classroom. Bell ringers are recorded every two weeks, and count toward class participation points. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the bell ringer(s) you missed.
Questions for the week of 1.13
Mon 1.13 =
- List the functions of skeletal muscles.
Tue 1.14 =
- What is a prime mover?
- What do you call the muscle that’s resting as the prime mover works?
Wed 1.15 =
- What is the purpose of a synergist muscle?
- What are fixators?
Thu 1.16 =
- List 3 things you found interesting from the Observations of Muscles lab.
Fri 1.17 =
- List 3 facts about skeletal muscles.
Questions for the week of 1.6
Mon 1.6 = No school; teacher professional development
Tue 1.7 = No school; Snow Day
Wed 1.8 = No school; Snow Day
Thu 1.9 =
- What role do muscles play in the body?
- What are the 3 categories of muscle tissue?
Fri 1.10 = No school; Snow Day
Questions for the week of 12.16
Mon 12.16 =
- List the types of teeth in an adult mouth, and the number of each.
Tue 12.17 =
- List 3 facts about the skeleton.
Wed 12.18 = No Class; finals in other periods
Thu 12.19 =
- What are 3 things you find interesting about the human body?
Fri 12.20 =
Questions for the week of 12.9
Mon 12.9 =
- List the six specific subtypes of synovial joints.
Tue 12.10 =
- Why do you need teeth?
- How would your life be different without them?
Wed 12.11 =
- List the 3 types of synarthroses joints and tell where each is found in the body.
Thu 12.12 =
- Compare & contrast baby teeth and permanent teeth.
Fri 12.13 =
- What are the 3 functions of teeth?
- Which teeth are used for each of the types of chewing?
Questions for the week of 12.2
Mon 12.2 =
- List 3 bones in the face, and describe their relative locations
Tue 12.3 =
- What are the regions of the appendicular skeleton?
- How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?
Wed 12.4 =
- What are the regions of the axial skeleton?
- How many bones are in the axial skeleton?
Thu 12.5 =
- What allows your body to bend and move?
- What would happen if all your joints were immovable (like those in the skull)?
Fri 12.6 =
- List the types of joints by structure, and 1 example for each.
Questions for the week of 11.25
Mon 11.25 =
- Compare & contrast the axial and appendicular skeletons
Tue 11.26 =
- List the sections of the arm, & name the bones found in each.
Wed 11.20 = No School; Thanksgiving Break
Thu 11.21 = No School; Thanksgiving Break
Fri 11.22 = No School; Thanksgiving Break
Questions for the week of 11.18
Mon 11.18 =
- In the skull, where is the cranium compared to the face? '
- Name 3 examples of bones found in each.
Tue 11.19 =
- List the sections of the axial skeleton, and the major bones or bone areas for each.
Wed 11.20 =
- What is an appendage?
- Which appendages make up the appendicular skeleton?
Thu 11.21 =
- Where are phalanges found?
- How many total are in the body?
- How do you tell them apart from each other?
Fri 11.22 =
- Which are the 3 smallest bones in your body?
- Which is your longest & strongest bone?
Questions for the week of 11.11
Mon 11.11 =
- List 3 facts about bone anatomy
Tue 11.12 =
- What are the differences between yellow and red bone marrow?
Wed 11.13 =
- How would your body be different without your bones?
Thu 11.14 =
- Use these terms correctly in sentences:
- Periosteum, epiphysis, diaphysis
Fri 11.15 =
- List 3 things you know about bones.
Questions for the week of 11.4
Mon 11.4 =
- How important is your skeleton?
- What does it do for your body?
Tue 11.5 =
- What are 3 things that you already know about bones & the skeleton?
Wed 11.6 =
- Compare and contrast periosteum & endosteum
Thu 11.7 =
- Compare and contrast osteoblast & osteoclast
Fri 11.8 =
- What is ossification?
- Name the 2 general types, and what type of tissues ossify during each.
Questions for the week of 10.28
Mon 10.28=
- List three facts about the hypodermis.
Tue 10.29 =
- List three facts about the epidermis.
Wed 10.30 =
- List the 3 types of cutaneous glands, and where each is found.
Thu 10.31 =
- What is a suture?
- Why are they done?
Fri 11.1 = No School; Teacher Professional Development
Questions for the week of 10.21
Mon 10.21=
- Compare & contrast sudoriferous, sebaceous & ceruminous glands
Tue 10.22 =
- What can cause wounds to the skin?
- How does the body react when the skin is broken open?
Wed 10.23 =
- What is the purpose of cutaneous glands?
- Of hair?
- Of nails?
Thu 10.24 =
- List the parts of a hair, from root to tip.
Fri 10.25 =
- List the parts of a nail.
Questions for the week of 10.14
Mon 10.14 =
- What kind of tissue makes up the epidermis?
- What is its outermost layer called?
- What happens to this layer?
Tue 10.15 =
- Name the 3 layers of the skin, and the type of tissue that makes up each.
Wed 10.16 =
- List the 4 skin color conditions we learned, and the color associated with each.
Thu 10.10 = No School; P/T Conferences
Fri 10.11 = No School; Teacher Workday / Comp Day
Questions for the week of 10.7
Mon 10.7 =
- What is a cell?
- List 3 facts about cells.
Tue 10.8 =
- Name the 4 categories of tissue, and one specific example for each.
Wed 10.9 =
- What is the purpose of the skin?
- What might happen to a body if it lacked skin?
Thu 10.10 =
- What is another name for stratum basale?
- Why?
Fri 10.11 =
- List 3 functions of the integumentary system.
Questions for the week of 9.30
Mon 9.30 =
- List the categories of glandular epithelium, including examples.
- Which type has ducts?
Tue 10.1 =
- List three facts about epithelial tissues.
Wed 10.2 =
- List three facts about connective tissues.
Thu 10.3 =
- In epithelial tissues, what’s the difference between the apical surface & the basement membrane?
Fri 10.4 =
- Of the four tissue categories, which is most common in the body?
- Which is most specialized?
Questions for the week of 9.23
Mon 9.23 =
- List the 3 types of muscle tissue, and 1 place to find each in the body.
Tue 9.24 =
- What is the purpose of extracellular matrix in connective tissue?
Wed 9.25 =
- Name the types of dense connective tissue, and a place in the body each is found.
Thu 9.26 =
- List the specific kinds of cartilage, including examples.
Fri 9.27 = No School; Teacher Professional Development
Questions for the week of 9.16
Mon 9.16 =
- Describe a body in anatomical position
Tue 9.17 =
- Define “cell.”
- Name 3 specific examples of cells.
Wed 9.18 =
- List the anatomical characteristics of epithelium.
Thu 9.19 =
- Contrast endocrine & exocrine glands, including examples.
Fri 9.20 =
- Contrast general characteristics of epithelium and connective tissues.
Questions for the week of 9.9
Mon 9.9 =
- What do the parts (prefix & root) of the terms “hypochondriac” and “epigastric” mean?
Tue 9.10 =
- Identify the abdominal regions shown in the picture
Wed 9.11 =
- List 3 of the human body’s survival needs.
Thu 9.12 =
- List 3 body processes that maintain homeostasis, and briefly describe each.
Fri 9.13 =
- Which directional terms are only used with the arms & legs?
- Which terms usually refer to membranes around organs?
Questions for the week of 9.2
Mon 9.2 = No School; Labor Day
Tue 9.3 =
- Contrast sagittal & frontal planes. Include what body sides each includes.
Wed 9.4 =
- Use these terms correctly in sentences:
- posterior, caudal, lateral, deep
Thu 9.5 =
- What body areas are the following terms referring to?
- Frontal, abdominal, gluteal, pedal
Fri 9.6 =
- Name an organ found in each of these cavities or regions:
- Thoracic cavity, left hypochondriac region, right upper quadrant
Questions for the week of 8.26
Mon 8.26 =
- What’s the difference between anatomy & physiology?
- How are they similar?
Tue 8.27 =
- List, in order from smallest to largest, the levels of organization in a human body.
Wed 8.28 =
- List 3 of the human survival needs.
Thu 8.29 =
- Describe a body in anatomical position.
Fri 8.30 =
- Use these terms correctly in sentences:
- ventral, distal, inferior, medial
Questions for the week of 8.19
Mon 8.19 = No School; teacher professional development
Tue 8.20 = No School; teacher workday
Wed 8.21 =
- What is anatomy?
- Why is it important to study the human body?
- What are you looking forward to / fearing in anatomy this year?
Thu 8.22 =
- Why is it important to have labs in a science class?
- Why is safety in the lab important?
Fri 8.23 =
- List three things you would like to know more about the human body.