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Biology-Advanced Studies

Google Classroom

We will use Google Classroom for daily bell ringers, several homework assignments, to distribute lab instructions, etc. Please join our classroom using this code: d9exyj — — Parents are welcome to join as well to stay informed on what's happening in class!

Safety Contracts

Safety contracts signed by the student and a parent/guardian must be on file with Mrs. Walters for the student to be able to participate in lab activities.

Lab Footwear

Students must wear appropriate footwear on lab days. Closed-toed shoes and boots are appropriate; sandals and flip-flops are not. Students should plan to have a possible change of shoes available to them on lab days. If they are in unsafe footwear, they will not participate in that day's lab activity and will have an alternate assignment.

Biology – Advanced Studies is a course designed to advance the student’s exploration of specific biological disciplines. Students will develop knowledge in the disciplines of zoology, forensic science and genetics . The major orders of the Animal Kingdom, the use of science in crime fighting, and the basics of genes and human pedigrees will be discussed.  Students will gain practical laboratory skills through microscope work, use of biological instruments, dissections and other hands-on lab work. 

Miller and Levine Biology; Miller, Kenneth R., Ph.D. and Joseph S.                  Levine, Ph.D.; Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, MA; 2014


By the end of Biology Two, students will be able to:

  • Define characteristics shared by all animals and essential functions for animal survival
  • Correctly use body symmetry and directional terms to describe animal anatomy
  • List the Invertebrate phyla, describing key features of their anatomy & physiology and classes or examples of specific organisms for each
    • ​Porifera, Cnidaria,  Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Echinodermata
  • List the common characteristics shared by all Chordates
  • List the Chordata subphyla, describing key features of their anatomy & physiology
  • List the general characteristics common to all vertebrate animals
  • List the Vertebrata classes, describing key features of their anatomy & physiology
  • Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia
  • Study comparative anatomy through dissection of sponges, crawdads, earthworms, grasshoppers, starfish, perch and frogs
  • Define forensics science, its goals and purposes
  • Define evidence and identify members of the crime scene investigation team and their jobs
  • Define death and describe evidence that helps in determining time of death
  • List and describe procedures done in a forensic autopsy
  • Conduct an “autopsy” following guidelines learned above
  • Describe the basics of Mendelian genetics
  • Set up and correctly use Punnett squares
  • Model inheritance of traits by “breeding” organisms
  • Define pedigree chart and correctly set up and interpret charts for various conditions
  • Describe the inheritance of a variety of human genetic disorders

1. Blue or black ink pens &/or pencils & loose-leaf notebook paper (for work handed in)
2. Notebook for taking lecture notes.  Please have a notebook just for Biology Advanced Studies.
3. Ring-binder notebook and tabbed dividers for the class notebook. (see more below)
4. Colored pencils (not markers or crayons) for completing coloring assignments
5. Textbook


1. Students will keep a ring binder containing all work done for Biology Two, creating an ongoing, graded project throughout the course. Using tabbed dividers, this manual will be divided into sections for each major animal phylum or class discussed. Sections will include lecture notes, handouts, returned labs & assignments, quizzes and research related to the specific animal phyla & classes.  This page, the course outline and safety contract should be in your notebook at all times. Further instructions on this project will be given as to its organization as the course proceeds.  

2. In order to participate in lab activities, students must have a signed safety contract filed with the teacher. Safety contracts will be handed out in class, gone through and sent home for a parent or guardian's signature. Once recorded, safety contracts will be kept by students in their Biology – Advanced Studies notebooks.

3. Grades are based on homework, labs, examinations, assigned projects and class participation. The grading scale is the standard for the district and is as follows:

A = 100%- 90%

B =  89% - 80%

C =  79% - 70%

D = 69% - 60%

F =  59% and below

1. Respect your classmates, the teacher and the class rules.
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings, working on the bell ringer activity. If you are not, you will be counted tardy.
3. Do not bring food, drinks, candy or gum into the room; bottled water (in a clear container with a lid) will be allowed, except in the lab.
4. Come to class prepared to succeed, with books, pen/pencil & paper, iPads and completed homework. Having to leave the room to retrieve needed materials will count as tardy.
5. No pass from the room will be given once class begins. All tardies to class require a note from the office or teacher who detained you. 
6. Have a positive attitude, enjoy yourself and learn something every day!

Noelle Walters

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Homework is due on the date posted on the website. Late assignments will be accepted up to 5 (FIVE!) days past the due date. Following that, a grade of 0 will be received for missing work. Special circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 


Bell ringers!

Bell ringer questions will also be posted in Google Classroom, and all answers will be submitted as responses to the Classroom quesitons. Bell ringer grades are updated every 2 weeks. Bell ringers count towards class participation. If you are absent, you are responsible to make up the bell ringer(s) you missed!

Contact Noelle Walters

Classroom Number:
School Phone:

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Current Condition: scattered clouds

Temperature: 4.1˚F

Feels Like: -2.33˚F

Wind Speeds: 3.04mph

Weather humidity: 90%

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