Over the next few weeks, you will be making important decisions relative to the purchasing of items for next year. Please make those decisions based on the school district's vision, mission, and curriculum goals.
Order what you NEED for next year. IF it is something you WANT, please visit with your Principal or Supervisor.
It is recommended that teachers use School Specialty. Please be aware that pricing and vendors on Amazon change all the time. Provide as much information when submitting a request from Amazon ( please print a copy of the item with the information and attach to the purchase order) and pay close attention to the inventory on the Amazon site when preparing the order. If the item is out of stock no substitutions will be made. Abby will get a hold of you to come in and discuss changes.
All instructional supply spreadsheets are due by April 7th.
How to Submit Your Orders. Staff members must use a Google Sheet to submit supply requests. It is recommended that staff create their own Google Sheet form for simplicity purposes. Click here to go to a forced copy of Google supply/equipment sheet. The link will ask you to make a copy, this will allow you to complete it online. Once filled out, print and submit to your building supervisor along with all other necessary documentation needed for ordering. Including links to items is extremely helpful.
Make sure each Google worksheet form contains all information necessary to place the order:
Click on this link:
You will type in username: atchison377 password: usd377Tigers (case sensitive with the capital T)
When she gets final paper approval she will then be able to go back in and pull up the cart by email and approve and Add PO – then she will SUBMIT to School Specialty.
Staff members are not allowed to exchange, trade or bequeath any school property with/to another teacher, building or department unless permission is granted from administration. Equipment assigned to a building, area or room must stay put and be listed on the Google Document inventory sheet that is required for checkout. There have been times when a departing teacher gave his/her chair or desk to another teacher, which creates an inventory dilemma. If administration grants permission for an items location to be changed, this must be communicated so that the inventory can be updated.
Inventory sheets will be shared by the technology department.
If you have surplus equipment that you would like to dispose of or removed from your area, a list of items deemed as “SURPLUS” should be turned into your Building Principal prior checkout time. We will make arrangements through your building principal to take care of your request.
The board may dispose of school property in any manner it deems to be in the best interests of the district. Disposing of property requires a majority vote (KSA 72-3216(d)).
Tickets for Summer Maintenance should be sent to helpdesk@usd377.org with “summer maintenance” in the subject line. Building Principals should be cc’d to the ticktet. Tickets will be completed as time and funding allows. Summer maintenance work projects submitted should be for work requested by the maintenance department. Examples: Room painted, promethean board projector does not project as bright as it should, etc. PLEASE indicate the rationale for the request.
Returning staff
Every staff member must checkout at the end of the school year through their building principal. All keys must be turned in to either the building principal or supervisor.
Non-returning staff
Non-returning staff are required to go through a more extensive checkout procedure, depending on each person’s job assignment. Failure to appropriately checkout may result in the district holding your final paycheck.
EOY Teacher Checkout Form must be completed and signed off by your building principal before leaving for the summer.
All returning staff must turn in keys to their principal or supervisor at the end of the school year. If you wish to keep any keys over the summer, they must be listed on your EOY checkout sheet.
All known field trips, activities, fundraisers, or other items needing administration and/or board approval need to be submitted prior to check out.
Certified Staff Under the Negotiated Agreement - Early Retirement Notice, April 1st
Certified Staff Under the Negotiated Agreement - Move across salary schedule, April 1st
Certified Staff Under the Negotiated Agreement - Lump Sum Summer Payment, April 1st