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USD 377

Atchison County Community Schools

Staff Pay/Insurance

Health Insurance – Plan Year 2024– Open Enrollment is November 1-30, 2023


Employee Guides to Open Enrollment:

Prescription Drug Booklet
HSA Rollover Form
Cafeteria Plan 2024 Ernollment Flyer


Sick Leave Bank Policy

F.    Sick Leave Bank

  1. Participation shall be voluntary. Those who choose to participate shall contribute one (1) day of their accumulated sick leave to the bank at the beginning of their period of participation.
  2. Teachers may enroll in the sick leave bank at the beginning of each contract year but must submit the appropriate form by October 1. Any teacher on duty from the beginning of the contract year desiring to enroll after October 1 must wait until the following year. Teachers hired after the beginning of the contract year who desire to enroll must do so within thirty (30) calendar days after their first day at work or by October 1 of the current contract year, whichever is later.
  3. Only participating teachers are eligible to draw from the bank. Each person, before using the bank, shall deplete his or her accumulated sick leave.
  4. Teachers shall not be allowed to withdraw days from the sick leave bank for any days for which workers' compensation benefits are received.
  5. In order for a staff member to participate in the employee/family sick leave bank, he or she must donate one day of sick leave at the beginning of each school year.  
  6. A staff member upon retirement may donate two days to the sick leave bank.   
  7. A committee of eight (four teachers K-3 (1), G4-6 (1), G7-8 (1), G9-12 (1), three classified, and a building principal) shall grant or deny any request made to the sick leave bank for sick leave days.  Requests for sick leave days should be made to the sick leave bank administrator.  Decisions approved by the majority of the committee are final.

    The committee members shall use the following criteria in administering the bank and rendering their decision.
  • Medical evidence of serious illness
  • Employee has used all accumulative leave days
  • History of use of sick leave during the year
  1. Sick bank leave may be requested by the employee for illness, injury, or death in the immediate family (Re:  ARTICLE III, I). The central office shall maintain records of sick bank use.
  2. Requests must be accompanied by physician’s statement and indicate estimated number of sick days requested.
  3. Eligible participants may join the sick leave bank by donating one day of his/her accumulated sick leave each year until such time as the bank reaches a maximum of 200 days. In the event that the maximum is met only new members will donate days. 
  4. Total amount of sick leave granted from the bank by the committee for one person cannot exceed twenty (20) working days per school year.
  5. Any employee who is a member of the sick leave bank who has used up all accumulated sick leave, as well as all twenty (20) sick leave bank days, may petition the sick leave bank committee to solicit individual donations from employees. The petition will indicate the number of days needed along with a statement of need that explains the circumstances for which the additional days are being requested.