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USD 377

Atchison County Community Schools

Learning Resource Center (Library) Policies


7:40 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday when school is in session. Students may come at any time during the school day with their teacher's permission.  We want to make sure that students have the materials they need.  Teachers will have weekly classroom visits in order to check materials in and out.


Books are checked out for ten (10) school days.  Reference materials must remain at school.  Students are encouraged to return books as soon as they are finished with them.  Students may check out two books a week, as long as they return them on time.

K-6 classes come once a week to the library.  In addition, students may come in any time with their teacher’s permission.


When books are more than two (2) weeks overdue, notices are given to the students.  Notices go home to the parents when they have overdues for an excessive amount of time.  The media specialist tells the students weekly if they have overdue items and ask if they are still using them.  


There are no fines for late materials.  We do ask that items be returned.  If an item is not returned or is returned damaged beyond repair, the student will be asked to pay the replacement price for the item.


Accelerated Reader  and STAR Reading are programs used to monitor comprehension in student reading.  Three times a year, all students grades 2-6 take the STAR Reading computerized test.  First grade takes the test at the end of first and second semester.  The test consists of a sentence with a vocabulary word missing. Students are to select the correct vocabulary word. The tests adjust to each student according to the quickness of the answer and the correctness of the answer.  Once the test is completed, the computer assigns a ZPD range.   This range gives the students their lowest and easiest reading range, a medium reading range, and a reading range at which the child will find more difficult. According to the ZPD range, color dots are assigned to each student to help identify their reading range.  The colors are placed on a card for them to use when they visit the library to check out materials. A student may read below or above their reading range with their

teacher's permission.

Over ninety-five (95) percent of the books in our elementary library

have been dotted with AR color dots.  The library subscribes to Renaissance Place which provides quizzes over the books with dots.  The questions may range from five questions for a picture book, to 

twenty questions for a Harry Potter book.  Points are assigned by the

company according to the complexity of words used in the book and the actual length of the book.  Points on books range from .5 to over 80 for some high school level texts.  Students must get sixty (60) percent of the questions correct in order to earn any points.  Students are encouraged to get eighty perent of their questions correct to earn incentives.  

Students will not be able to take quizzes from home.  If you need further information, please contact the media specialist.


Each fall, the Library, in conjunction with the Effingham Elementry PTO, sponsors a Scholastic Book Fair.  For over a week the library becomes a hive of activity with at least five cases of new paperback books for students to purchase.

The PTO provides helpers on the nights that Parent Teacher Conferences are held.  All proceeds from the Book Fair are taken in new hardback and paperback books for our elementary school library and teachers' classrooms.  The patrons of our community have been great supporters of the Book Fair.