Classroom Management Strategies | Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI) Training and Resources | ESSA Resources | Google Resources | Greenbush Resources | |
Classroom Management: Evidence-Based Strategies for Teachers
ESI Resources
ESI Administrative To Do document by KSDE
ESI All Staff Training 2016 Video by Greenbush
ESI All Staff PPT 2016 by Greenbush
ESI Documentation of a Known Medical Condition
ESI Documentation Form
Standards for the Use of Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI)
Changes in Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI) Law 2016
ESI Requirements PPT 2016
ESI Staff Flyer 2016
A Family Guide to the Use of Emergency Safety Interventions (Seclusion and Restraint) in Kansas. This document may be used by schools to inform families of their rights under Emergency Safety Interventions law.
TASN ESI Resources Page
ESI 2015 and older
ESI State Regs
U.S. Department of Education Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document, 04/10/2013 - PDF
K.A.R. 91-42-1 and 91-42-2, As passed by the Kansas State Board of Education
KSDE ESI Bookmarks, 06/23/2013-PDF
Memo on ESI Traning Requirement of the Regulations,06/19/2013-PDF|
Emergency Safety Intervention Guidance Document, 12/10/2013-PDF|
Memorandum Clarifying the ESI Regulations
Questions? Please contact Laura Jurgensen or (785) 296-5522.
ESSA Resources
Google Resources
Cloud Lab for Teachers – The CloudLab -- a project of New Visions for Public Schools -- is dedicated to tooling-up educators and school leaders with free, flexible building blocks for the redesign of teaching and learning, and to incubating and spreading breakthrough tools and practices for the highest needs schools. Our team works in close design and capacity-building relationships with the leadership and staff in over 200 NYC public high-schools, allowing us to bring valuable insights, direct access to schools, and technical skills to bear in the development of solutions that land.
NBC Learn – Click here!
PDP Toolbox
PDP Toolbox Overview – an 18 minute video on the basics of the PDP Toolbox (Vimeo)
Transcript of Points Request Tutorial
Professional License Renewal Process
JSH Thermostat User Guide (PDF)
A user guide for understanding how to use the room thermostats at the Junior-Senior High School.
Licensure Application Forms Online
Teacher Licensure and Accreditation has taken the next step towards a paperless application system in launching a new group of application forms as online forms.
Accident & Injury Report Forms
Accident Reporting Procedures - Employee Only (PDF)
Injury Report Form - Employee Injury Only (PDF) - to be completed by an employee who is injured carrying out job duties. 377 Staff injured on the job are required to complete an injury report form and file it with their immediate supervisor.
Injury Report Form - Student Injury Only (Word)- Student Injury/Accident Reporting Procedures (to be used for athletics as well):
Greenbush PDP Toolbox Information and Support Services
(Click here to go to the PDC Homepage)
What Is the PDP Toolbox?
The Professional Development Planner meets school and district needs by:
The PDP aligns with and implements Kansas Licensure Renewal Regulations (91-1-205 and 91-1-206) and Kansas Staff Development Opportunities Act Regulations (91-1-215 through 91-1-219).
As a learning professional you may add your own goals, request professional learning opportunities, and request your own professional development points. You will receive alerts to your regular e-mail account when you need to interact with the PDP Toolbox for staff development notifications.
Members of PDC - Mandi McMillan, Stutesman, Carol Oliver, Amanda Hughes, Joshua Snyder, Angie Kimmi, Joyce Thompson, Cy Wallisch (Admin Appointed)
Leave of Absence & Sick Leave Bank Resources
Sick Leave / Personal Leave Form - to be used for advance notification of medical or personal leave. You do not have to complete this form for sick leave called in on the day of the absence - your supervisor will do that.
Sick Leave Bank Request Form (Google) - This form is for those employees who participate in the Sick Leave Bank and need to request days from the Bank.
Sick Leave Bank Notes
Participation shall be voluntary. Those who choose to participate shall contribute one (1) day of their accumulated sick leave to the bank at the beginning of their period of participation.
A committee of eight (four teachers K-3 (1), G4-6 (1), G7-8 (1), G9-12 (1), three classified, and a building principal) shall grant or deny any request made to the sick leave bank for sick leave days. Requests for sick leave days should be made to the sick leave bank administrator.
Employees may enroll in the sick leave bank at the beginning of each contract year but must submit the appropriate form by October 1. Any employee on duty from the beginning of the contract year desiring to enroll after October 1 must wait until the following year. Employees hired after the beginning of the contract year who desire to enroll must do so within thirty (30) calendar days after their first day at work or by October 1 of the current contract year, whichever is later.
Only participating employees are eligible to draw from the bank. Each person, before using the bank, shall deplete his or her accumulated sick leave.
Employees shall not be allowed to withdraw days from the sick leave bank for any days for which workers' compensation benefits are received.
In order for a staff member to participate in the employee/family sick leave bank, he or she must donate one day of sick leave at the beginning of each school year.
Sick bank leave may be requested by the employee for illness, injury, or death in the immediate family (Re: ARTICLE III, I). The central office shall maintain records of sick bank use.
Requests must be accompanied by physician’s statement and indicate estimated number of sick days requested.
A staff member upon retirement may donate two days to the sick leave bank.
Decisions approved by the majority of the committee are final. The committee members shall use the following criteria in administering the bank and rendering their decision.
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