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USD 377

Atchison County Community Schools

Legal Notifications

  • In accordance with the Student Data Privacy Act and board policy IDAE, student data submitted to or maintained in a statewide longitudinal data system may only be disclosed as follows.  Such data may be disclosed to:

    • The authorized personnel of an educational agency or the state board of regents who require disclosures to perform assigned duties; and
    • The student and the parent or legal guardian of the student, provided the data pertains solely to the student.

    Student data may be disclosed to authorized personnel of any state agency, or to a service provider of a state agency, educational agency, or school performing instruction, assessment, or longitudinal reporting, provided a data-sharing agreement between the educational agency and other state agency or service provider provides the following:

    • purpose, scope and duration of the data-sharing agreement;
    • recipient of student data use such information solely for the purposes specified in agreement;
    • recipient shall comply with data access, use, and security restrictions specifically described in agreement; and
    • student data shall be destroyed when no longer necessary for purposes of the data-sharing agreement or upon expiration of the agreement, whichever occurs first.

    *A service provider engaged to perform a function of instruction may be allowed to retain student transcripts as required by applicable laws and rules and regulations.

    Unless an adult student or parent or guardian of a minor student provides written consent to disclose personally identifiable student data, student data may only be disclosed to a governmental entity not specified above or any public or private audit and evaluation or research organization if the data is aggregate data.  “Aggregate data” means data collected or reported at the group, cohort, or institutional level and which contains no personally identifiable student data.

    The district may disclose:

    • Student directory information when necessary and the student’s parent or legal guardian has consented in writing;
    • directory information to an enhancement vendor providing photography services, class ring services, yearbook publishing services, memorabilia services, or similar services;
    • any information requiring disclosure pursuant to state statutes;
    • student data pursuant to any lawful subpoena or court order directing such disclosure; and
    • student data to a public or private postsecondary educational institution for purposes of application or admission of a student to such post-secondary educational institution with the student’s written consent.

    Annual Notice of Authorized Student Data Disclosures Form

  • U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights Notice

    U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights issues Dear Colleague letter on Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972...more

    The U.S. Department of Education has asked us to share a letter, including links to relevant one-pagers, with students, teachers, and families as they prepare for back to school.

    The U.S. Department of Education is supporting the Administration’s efforts to inform the public about full implementation of the Affordable Care Act.   Today, we are writing to enlist your help in our effort to find and enroll America’s estimated 50 million uninsured who will be eligible for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace starting in October of this year.  We are dedicated to helping states, districts and schools promote good health by encouraging school communities to make use of exciting new provisions of the Act. 
    Too often, children who are uninsured encounter obstacles that prevent them from becoming fully engaged in the classroom, on the playing field and in other extracurricular activities, thus preventing them from getting the most out of their education.  That is why our Department is working to ensure kids and families get coverage.
    We are calling on leaders at every level to help enroll all eligible children and families.  We urge you to join us and, via your membership networks and affiliates, to encourage schools to participate in this effort because schools are the centers of our communities.  Every family, neighbor, educator, health care provider, and business knows the importance of well-educated and healthy children for a successful 21st century economy.  The Affordable Care Act makes important investments to increase health care access in every school community.
    The healthcare law:

    • Expands and modernizes community health centers across the country to serve up to 20 million more patients.
    • Brings more primary care providers to our neediest school communities by tripling the size of the National Health Service Corps, which offers loan repayment and scholarships for individuals serving in areas that most need health care providers.
    • Improves funding for Area Health Education Centers, which serve the primary care needs of rural and other underserved.

    Currently, everyone can access information about the Marketplace and HealthCare and begin to share that information with teachers, students and families.  It’s not too soon to check out the sites for tips and things that can be done now to prepare for enrollment in October.   Individuals can sign-up for emails or text message updates, so they don’t miss a thing when it’s time to enroll.

    When key parts of the health care law take effect, individuals will be able to go to HealthCare to buy insurance from qualified private health plans and check if they are eligible for financial assistance all in one place.
    We are asking you to share this message, and the links to relevant one-pagers below, with students, teachers, and families as they prepare for back to school, in the hope that we start this year with healthier children, families, and school communities. 

  • The board of education is committed to providing a positive and productive working and learning environment, free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the school district.  Sexual harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certificated and support personnel, students, vendors, and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited.

    Sexual harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex un­der Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination.  All forms of sexual harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events.  Sexual harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds.

    It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, or third party (visitor, vendor, etc.) to sexually harass any student, employee, or other individual associated with the school.  It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student or another employee from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy.  Violation of this policy by any employee shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.                                                                                      

    Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:  

    (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;

    (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or

    (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

    Sexual harassment may result from verbal or physical conduct or writ­ten or graphic material.  Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:  verbal harassment or abuse; pressure for sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person, with sexual or demeaning implication; unwelcome touching; or sug­gesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning an employee’s job status.

    The district encourages all victims of sexual harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately.  Complaints of sexual harassment will be promptly investigated and resolved.

    Employees who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment should discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor.  If an employee’s immediate supervisor is the alleged harasser, the employee should discuss the problem with the building principal or the district compliance coordinator.  Employees who do not believe the matter is appropriately resolved through this meeting may file a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure in policy KN.

    Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes sexual harassment under the definition outlined above.  Unacceptable conduct may or may not constitute sexual harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness and persistence.  Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may also result in employee discipline.

    If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.

    Any employee who witnesses an act of sexual harassment or receives a complaint of harassment from another employee or a student shall report the complaint to the building principal.  Employees who fail to report complaints or incidents of sexual harassment to appropriate school officials may face disciplinary action.  School administrators who fail to investigate and take appropriate corrective action in response to complaints of sexual harassment may also face disciplinary action.

    Initiation of a complaint of sexual harassment in good faith will not adversely affect the job security or status of an employee, nor will it affect his or her compensation.  Any act of retaliation or discrimination against any person who has filed a complaint or testified, assisted, or participated in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing involving a sexual harassment complaint is prohibited.  Any person who retaliates is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

    To the extent possible, confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint.  The desire for confidentiality must be balanced with the district’s obligation to conduct a thorough investigation, to take appropriate corrective action or to provide due process to the accused.

    False or malicious complaints of sexual harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant.     

    A summary of this policy and related materials shall be posted in each district facility.  The policy shall also be published in student, parent, and employee handbooks as directed by the district compliance coordinator.  Notification of the policy shall be included in the school newsletter or published in the local newspaper annually.

  • (See GAF, JGECA and KN)                                                    

    The board of education is committed to providing a positive and productive working and learning environment, free from discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability.  Racial and disability harassment will not be tolerated in the school district.  Racial or disability harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certified and support personnel, students, vendors, and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited.

    Racial harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination.  Disability harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  All forms of racial and disability harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events.  Racial or disability harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds.

    It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, or third party (visitor, vendor, etc.) to racially harass or harass on the basis of disability any student, employee, or other individual associated with the school.  It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student or another employee from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy.

    Violations of this policy by any employee shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

    Harassment prohibited by this policy includes racially or disability-motivated conduct which:

    Affords an employee different treatment, solely on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability, in a manner which interferes with or limits the ability of the employee to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or programs of the school;

    Is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of creating a hostile working environment;

    Is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or employment opportunities.

    Racial or disability harassment may result from verbal or physical conduct or written or graphic material.

    The district encourages all victims of racial or disability harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately.  Complaints of racial or disability harassment will be promptly investigated and resolved.

    Employees who believe they have been subjected to racial or disability harassment should discuss the problem with their immediate supervisor.  If an employee’s immediate supervisor is the alleged harasser, the employee should discuss the problem with the building principal or the district compliance coordinator.  Employees who do not believe the matter is appropriately resolved through this meeting may file a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure in policy KN.

    Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes racial or disability harassment under the definition outlined above.  Unacceptable conduct may or may not constitute racial or disability harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness and persistence.  Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may also result in employee discipline.

    If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.

    Any employee who witnesses an act of racial or disability harassment or receives a complaint of harassment from another employee or a student shall report the complaint to the building principal.  Employees who fail to report complaints or incidents of racial or disability harassment to appropriate school officials may face disciplinary action.  School administrators who fail to investigate and take appropriate corrective action in response to complaints of racial or disability harassment may also face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

    Initiation of a complaint of racial or disability harassment in good faith will not adversely affect the job security or status of an employee, nor will it affect his or her compensation.  Any act of retaliation or discrimination against any person who has filed a complaint or testified, assisted, or participated in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing involving a racial or disability harassment complaint is prohibited.  Any person who retaliates is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment.

    To the extent possible, confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint.  The desire for confidentiality must be balanced with the district’s obligation to conduct a thorough investigation, to take appropriate corrective action or to provide due process to the accused.

    False or malicious complaints of racial or disability harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant.

    A summary of this policy and related materials shall be posted in each district facility.  The policy shall also be published in student, parent and employee handbooks as directed by the district compliance coordinator.  Notification of the policy shall be included in the school newsletter or published in the local newspaper annually.

  • Complaints About Discrimination - The district is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment free from discrimination, insult, intimidation, or harassment due to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

    Any incident of discrimination including acts of harassment shall promptly be reported for investigation and corrective action by the building principal or district compliance coordinator.  Any student or employee who engages in discriminatory conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination from employment or expulsion from school.

    Discrimination against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion in the admission or access to, or treatment in the district’s programs and activities is prohibited.  (Position, address, phone number of compliance coordinator) has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

    Any student who believes that he or she has been discriminated against may file a complaint with the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member.  Any school employee who receives a complaint of discrimination or harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal.  If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the report shall be made to the district compliance coordinator.  Any student complaint of discrimination shall be resolved under the district’s discrimination complaint procedures in policy KN. The district prohibits retaliation or discrimination against any person for opposing discrimination, including harassment; for participating in the complaint process; or making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing.

    Complaints About School Rules - Any student may file a complaint with the principal concerning a school rule or regulation as it applies to the student.  The complaint shall be in writing, filed within 20 days following the application of the rule or regulation, and must specify the basis for the complaint.  The principal shall investigate the complaint and inform the student of the resolution within 10 days after the complaint is filed.

  • The board of education is committed to providing a positive and productive learning and working environment, free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment shall not be tolerated in the school district.  Sexual harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certificated and support personnel, students, vendors, and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited.

    Sexual harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination.  All forms of sexual harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events.  Sexual harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds.

    It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, or third party (visitor, vendor, etc.) to sexually harass any student, employee, or other individual associated with the school.  It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy. 

    Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other inappropriate oral, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by a member of the school staff to a student or when made by any student to another student when:   

    (1) submission to such conduct is made, explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of the individual’s education;

    (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting that individual; or

    (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic environment.

    Sexual harassment may result from verbal or physical conduct or written or graphic material.  Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:  verbal harassment or abuse; pressure for sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person, with sexual or demeaning implication; unwelcome touching; or suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning a student’s grades, participation in extracurricular activities, etc.

    The district encourages all victims of sexual harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately.  The district will promptly investigate all complaints of sexual harassment and take prompt corrective action to end the harassment.

    Any student who believes that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment should discuss the alleged harassment with the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member.  Any school employee who receives a complaint of sexual harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal.  If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the complaint shall be reported to the district compliance coordinator.  The building principal or district compliance coordinator shall discuss the complaint with the student to determine if it can be resolved.  If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in this meeting, the student may initiate a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure in policy KN.

    Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes sexual harassment under the definition outlined above.  Unacceptable student conduct may or may not constitute sexual harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness and persistence.  Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may provide grounds for discipline under the code of student conduct. If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.

    An employee who witnesses an act of sexual harassment shall report the incident to the building principal.  Employees who fail to report complaints or incidents of sexual harassment to appropriate school officials may face disciplinary action.  School administrators who fail to investigate and take appropriate corrective action in response to complaints of sexual harassment may also face disciplinary action. 

    When a complaint contains evidence of criminal activity or child abuse, the building coordinator or district coordinator shall report such conduct to the appropriate law enforcement or DCF authorities.

    To the extent possible, confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint.  The desire for confidentiality must be balanced with the district’s obligation to conduct a thorough investigation, to take appropriate corrective action or to provide due process to the accused.

    The filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting sexual harassment shall not reflect upon the individual’s status or grades.  Any act of retaliation or discrimination against any person who has filed a complaint or testified, assisted, or participated in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing involving a sexual harassment complaint is prohibited.  Any person who retaliates is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for a student or termination of employment for an employee.  False or malicious complaints of sexual harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant.

    A summary of this policy and related materials shall be posted in each district facility.  The policy shall also be published in student, parent, and employee handbooks as directed by the district compliance coordinator.  Notification of the policy shall be included in the school newsletter or published in the local newspaper annually.

  • (See GAACA, GAAB, GAF, JDDC and KN)

    The board of education is committed to providing a positive and productive learning and working environment, free from discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability.  Discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, or national origin (“racial harassment”) or on the basis of disability (“disability harassment”) shall not be tolerated in the school district.  Racial or disability harassment of employees or students of the district by board members, administrators, certificated and support personnel, students, vendors, and any others having business or other contact with the school district is strictly prohibited.

    Racial harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Kansas Acts Against Discrimination.  Disability harassment is unlawful discrimination on the basis of disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  All forms of racial or disability harassment are prohibited at school, on school property, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs or events.  Racial or disability harassment against individuals associated with the school is prohibited, whether or not the harassment occurs on school grounds.

    It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, or third party (visitor, vendor, etc.) to so harass any student, employee or other individual associated with the school.  It shall further be a violation for any employee to discourage a student from filing a complaint, or to fail to investigate or refer for investigation, any complaint lodged under the provisions of this policy.

    Prohibited conduct under this policy includes racially or disability-motivated conduct which:

    • Affords a student different treatment, solely on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability, in a manner which interferes with or limits the ability of the student to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or programs of the school;
    • Is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of creating a hostile academic environment; or
    • Is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to have the purpose or effect of interfering with a student’s academic performance or ability to participate in or benefit from the services,  activities or programs of the school.

    Racial or disability harassment may result from verbal or physical conduct or written graphic material.             

    The district encourages all victims of racial or disability harassment and persons with knowledge of such harassment to report the harassment immediately.  The district will promptly investigate all complaints of racial or disability harassment and take prompt corrective action to end the harassment.

    Any student who believes he or she has been subject to racial or disability harassment or has witnessed an act of alleged racial or disability harassment, should discuss the alleged harassment with the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member.  Any school employee who receives a complaint of racial or disability harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal.  If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the complaint shall be reported to the district compliance coordinator.  The building principal shall discuss the complaint with the student to determine if it can be resolved.  If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student in this meeting, the student may initiate a formal complaint under the district’s discrimination complaint procedure in policy KN.

    Complaints received will be investigated to determine whether, under the totality of the circumstances, the alleged behavior constitutes racial or disability harassment under the definition outlined above.  Unacceptable student conduct may or may not constitute racial or disability harassment, depending on the nature of the conduct and its severity, pervasiveness and persistence.  Behaviors which are unacceptable but do not constitute harassment may provide grounds for discipline under the code of student conduct.  The discipline of a student for violation of any provision of the code of student conduct may be enhanced if the conduct is racially or disability motivated.

    If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.

    An employee who witnesses an act of racial or disability harassment shall report the incident to the building principal.  Employees who fail to report complaints or incidents of racial or disability harassment to appropriate school officials may face disciplinary action.  School administrators who fail to investigate and take appropriate corrective action in response to complaints of racial or disability harassment may also face disciplinary action.

    When a complaint contains evidence of criminal activity or child abuse, the compliance coordinator shall report such conduct to the appropriate law enforcement or DCF authorities.

    To the extent possible confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation of a complaint.  The desire for confidentiality must be balanced with the district’s obligation to conduct a thorough investigation, to take appropriate corrective action or to provide due process to the accused.

    The filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting racial or disability harassment shall not reflect upon the student’s status or grades.  Any act of retaliation or discrimination against any person who has filed a complaint or testified, assisted, or participated in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing involving a racial or disability harassment complaint is prohibited.  Any person who retaliates is subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for a student or termination of employment for an employee.

    False or malicious complaints of racial or disability harassment may result in corrective or disciplinary action against the complainant.

    A summary of this policy and related materials shall be posted in each district facility.  The policy shall also be published in student, parent, and employee handbooks as directed by the district compliance coordinator.  Notification of the policy shall be included in the school newsletter or published in the local newspaper annually, if applicable.

  • (See DC, ECH, II, IIBG, JR et seq., and KB)

    The board may establish a district website and may allow creation of websites for individual schools.  A district website shall be under the control of the superintendent of schools, and school websites shall be supervised by the principal or his/her designee.

    Website Rules - Detailed rules relating to websites are found in appropriate handbooks or in documents approved by the board and filed with the clerk and/or principals.

    Website rules shall include the following areas:

    • data privacy and FERPA regulations;
    • copyright rules, relating to access and use of materials and the property rights of the district, students, and employees who create material;
    • instruction on what information and materials will be prominently posted on district and/or school homepages, which shall include, but may not be limited to, a copy of Kansas State Department of Education’s Form 150 estimating the legal maximum general fund budget as well as the budget summary for the current school year and actual expenditures for the immediately preceding two school years showing total net dollars of transfers and dollars per pupil as specified in Kansas law, using the full-time equivalent enrollment of the school district for such required calculations;
    • the board’s and administration’s right to determine website content and monitor use by employees and students.

    District and school websites are maintained to support the public relations and educational programs of the district and/or the schools. Websites may be modified or terminated at any time by board action.

  • Complaints and Grievances

    • District Complaint Form  -  to be used for  complaints of discrimination or harassment or unfair treatment.
    • Student Grievance Policy - A student grievance exists when it's alleged that a student has been unfairly treated or has not been afforded due process. A student grievance must be filed within ten (10) school days from the time of the alleged infraction.

    The board encourages all complaints regarding the district to be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level.  Whenever a complaint is made directly to the board as a whole or to a board member as an individual, it will be referred to the administration for study and possible resolution.

    Discrimination against any individual on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or religion in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in the district’s programs and activities is prohibited.  Harassment of an individual on any of these grounds is also prohibited.  (Position, address and phone number of compliance coordinator) has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Information concerning the provisions of these Acts, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the compliance coordinator.

    Complaints About Discrimination or Discriminatory Harassment - Complaints of discrimination or discriminatory harassment by an employee should be addressed to the employee’s supervisor, the building principal, or the district compliance coordinator.  Complaints by a student should be addressed to the building principal, another administrator, the guidance counselor, or another certified staff member.  Any school employee who receives a complaint of discrimination or harassment from a student shall inform the student of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal.  If the building principal is the alleged harasser, the complaint shall be reported to the district compliance coordinator.  Complaints by any other person alleging discrimination should be addressed to the building principal or the district compliance coordinator.  Complaints about discrimination, including complaints of harassment, will be resolved through the following complaint procedures:

    Informal Procedures - The building principal shall attempt to resolve complaints of discrimination or harassment in an informal manner at the building level.  Any school employee who receives a complaint of discrimination harassment from a student, another employee or any other individual shall inform the individual of the employee’s obligation to report the complaint and any proposed resolution of the complaint to the building principal.  The building principal shall discuss the complaint with the individual to determine if it can be resolved.  If the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the individual, the building principal shall document the nature of the complaint and the proposed resolution of the complaint, and forward this record to the district compliance coordinator.  Within 20 days after the complaint is resolved in this manner, the principal shall contact the complainant to determine if the resolution of the matter remains acceptable.  If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the individual in the meeting with the principal, or if the individual does not believe the resolution remains acceptable, the individual may initiate a formal complaint.

    If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.  The district prohibits retaliation or discrimination against any person for opposing discrimination, including harassment; for participating in the complaint process; or making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing.

    Formal Complaint Procedures

    • A formal complaint should be filed in writing and contain the name and address of the person filing the complaint.  The complaint should briefly describe the alleged violation.  If an individual does not wish to file a written complaint and the matter has not been adequately resolved, the building principal may initiate the complaint.  Forms for filing written complaints are available in each building office and the central office.
    • A complaint should be filed as soon as possible after the conduct occurs, but not later than 180 days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation, unless the conduct forming the basis for the complaint is ongoing.
    • If appropriate, an investigation shall follow the filing of the complaint.  If the complaint is against the superintendent, the board shall appoint an investigating officer.  In other instances, the investigation shall be conducted by the building principal, the compliance coordinator or another individual appointed by the board.  The investigation shall be informal but thorough.  All interested persons, including the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is lodged, will be afforded an opportunity to submit written or oral evidence relevant to the complaint.
    • A written determination of the complaint’s validity and a description of the resolution shall be issued by the investigator, and a copy forwarded to the complainant and the accused no later than 30 days after the filing of the complaint.
    • If the investigation results in a recommendation that a student be suspended or expelled, procedures outlined in board policy and state law governing student suspension and expulsion will be followed.
    • If the investigation results in a recommendation that an employee be suspended without pay or terminated, procedures outlined in board policy, the negotiated agreement or state law will be followed.
    • Records relating to complaints filed and their resolution shall be forwarded to and maintained in a confidential manner by the district compliance coordinator.
    • The complainant may appeal the determination of the complaint.  Appeals shall be heard by the district compliance coordinator, a hearing officer appointed by the board, or by the board itself as determined by the board.  The request to appeal the resolution shall be made within 20 days after the date of the written resolution of the complaint at the lower level.  The appeal officer shall review the evidence gathered by the investigator and the investigator’s report, and shall afford the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is filed an opportunity to submit further evidence, orally or in writing, within 10 days after the appeal is filed.  The appeal officer will issue a written determination of the complaint’s validity and a description of its resolution within 30 days after the appeal is filed.
    • If discrimination or harassment has occurred, the district will take prompt, remedial action to prevent its reoccurrence.  The district prohibits retaliation or discrimination against any person for opposing discrimination, including harassment; for participating in the complaint process; or making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing.
    • Use of this complaint procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of any other remedies including the right to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Kansas Human Rights Commission.

    Complaints About Policy - The superintendent shall report any unresolved complaint about policies to the board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

    Complaints About Curriculum (See IF) - The superintendent shall report a failure to resolve any complaint about curriculum to the board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

    Complaints About Instructional Materials - The building principal shall report any unresolved complaint about instructional materials to the superintendent immediately after receiving the complaint.

    Complaints About Facilities and Services - The superintendent shall report any unresolved complaint about facilities and services to the board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

    Complaints About Personnel - The superintendent or the building principal involved shall report any unresolved complaint about personnel to the board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

    Complaints About Emergency Safety Intervention Use - Complaints concerning the use of emergency safety interventions by district staff shall be addressed in accordance with the local dispute resolution process outlined in board policy GAAF.

  • In compliance of the Executive Order 11246; Title II of Education amendments of 176; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972; Title IX Regulation Implementing Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and all other Federal, State, and School rules, laws, regulations, and policies, USD 377 shall not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or handicap in educational programs, vocational programs, employment or other activities which it operates. It is the interest of USD 377 to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the law in making certain discrimination does not exist in its policies, regulations, and operations. Grievance procedures for Title IX and Section 504 have been established for students, their parents and employees who feel discrimination has been shown by the local education agency.

    Specific complaints of alleged discrimination under Title IX (sex) and Section 504 (handicap) should be referred to:

    • Title IX & Section 504 Coordinator, Steve Wiseman, USD 377, PO Box 289, Effingham, KS 66023.
    • Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 complaints can also be filed with the Regional Office for Civil Rights:

               US Department of Education, Region VII, Office for Civil Rights, 10220 N. Executive Hills Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64153

  • USD 377 has asbestos containing materials in some floor tile throughout its buildings; and the Elementary School gym has asbestos containing material in the pipe insulation coverings. These areas are being managed and maintained according to ‘AHERA’ regulations. In addition, all asbestos containing material is being monitored every six months according to law. The floor tile presents no immediate danger to students and staff and will be maintained for an indefinite period of time. The district is in compliance with the ‘EPA’ and ‘AHERA’ rules and regulations and has the safety and well being of its students and staff uppermost in mind. All asbestos information is open to the public and is available in each principal’s office. A master plan is located in the Central Office. 

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Atchison County Community Schools, USD #377, Effingham, Kansas, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. Anyone having questions regarding compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Americans With Disability Act or Section 504 may contact:

Steve Wiseman, Superintendent of Schools, 306 Main Street, P.O. Box 289, Effingham, KS 
66023-0289 (Title VI, Title IX, ADA, and Section 504 Coordinator).