Safety Handbook Information
The Safety Handbook states the employer's policies and practices in effect on the date of publication. To the extent that the USD #377 Employee Safety Handbook sets out policies, that are to be complied with by all employees. Failure to do so is a violation and may result in disciplinary action up to and including Termination. All employees are required to submit a Safety Handbook Acknowledgement Form.
Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Welcome to the employee training page for Blood Borne Pathogens. This training has been developed to inform and educate District Employees on how to prevent exposure or reduce the risk of contracting blood borne pathogens. Universal precautions will be discussed as a preventative measure to contracting these pathogens as well as procedural requirements that staff must follow should they have an exposure incident when they are performing their duties at work. Our program is designed to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030.
Prior to having contact with students each year, staff are required to complete a bloodborne pathogen training. To meet this requirement, a Safety/BBP PowerPoint and study guide have been provided for downloading. Please review these documents before taking the BBP quiz and submitting the BBP Documentation Sign-off Page. The sign-off page must be submitted prior to start of school on Friday, September 5, 2013. If you have any questions regarding bloodborne pathogens, please feel free to contact Tenille Forbes, School Nurse.
Safety/bloodborne Pathogen Powerpoint
CDC's General Resources on Bloodborne Infectious Diseases: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standard Summary Page
OSHA's Quick Reference Guide to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention Web Page
Bloodborne Pathogen Study Guide
Bloodborne Pathogens Training Documentation Sign-off Page
Infinitec Online Training System – Infinitec is the website staff members will use to complete mandated annual Bloodborne Pathogens training.
Hepatitis B Information
Hepatitis B information is taken from the USD #377 Safety Handbook. The Hepatitis B Informational Packet/Study Guide below is for new employees who are required to file a Hepatitis B Consent or Declination form.
Hepatitis B Informational Packet/Study Guide
Hepatitis B Vaccination Consent Form for New Employees (see Hepatitis B Informational/Study Guide in the next section)
Hepatitis B Vaccination Declination Form for New Employees
Emergency/First Aid Bags for the Classroom
Emergency/first aid bags are to be kept in every classroom for teachers to access. Each room should have a blue or black cloth Walmart bag that has emergency supplies in it. If you cannot find or are missing your classroom emergency supplies bag, please contact Nurse Forbes so that we can correct this situation ASAP.
Please check the supplies in your emergency bag and let the nurse know if you short anything. Also be sure to check the flash light as the batteries may need replaced.
Each bag should have:
ESI Resources
ESI 2015 and older
ESI State Regs
U.S. Department of Education Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document, 04/10/2013 - PDF
K.A.R. 91-42-1 and 91-42-2, As passed by the Kansas State Board of Education
KSDE ESI Bookmarks, 06/23/2013-PDF
Memo on ESI Traning Requirement of the Regulations,06/19/2013-PDF|
Emergency Safety Intervention Guidance Document, 12/10/2013-PDF|
Memorandum Clarifying the ESI Regulations
Questions? Please contact Laura Jurgensen at or (785) 296-5522.