Unified School District #377 Board of Education
306 Main Street, Effingham, KS 66023
(913) 833-4040 / FAX (913) 833-4210 / USD377
BEST Students, BEST Staff, BEST Schools!!!
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
(A) – Action Item(s) (D) – Discussion Item
1.01 Call the meeting to order, Board President Lori Lanter
1.02 Approval of the agenda
Speakers are encouraged to register by calling the Clerk of the Board at (913) 833‐5050 by 2:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Speakers may also register at the BOE meeting site, prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Hearing of Audience Rules:
Other Notes
The Board President shall be responsible for recognizing any speaker, maintaining proper order, and adhering to the set time limit. The President may interrupt or terminate an individual’s statement if it is disruptive, not germane to the business or activities of the Board, or in violation of Kansas Statutes regarding meetings or activities of the Board.
The Board President may deny any individual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct of a meeting may be threatened by that person’s appearance. The President has the option to stop the proceedings and poll the Board to determine if a speaker may continue.
During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal attacks, or rude or defamatory remarks of any kind about any employee or student of the School District or any person connected with the School District. The Board will also not accept public comments containing vulgar or obscene language. Any individual wishing to make a complaint about school personnel shall submit the complaint in writing to the Superintendent. If the complaint involves the Superintendent it shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Board.
Presentations: Junior Class – Prom Request
4.01 Approval of Minutes from September 11, 2024:
4.02 Approval of Activity Reports, Bills & Claims and Treasurer's Report
4.03 Acceptance of Correspondences
4.04 Acceptance of Sports Complex 4th Quarter Request for Reimbursement
4.05 Approval of Personnel Report
4.06 Accept Principal Reports
5.01 Board Clerk
5.02 Superintendent’s Report – KASB Const. Changes
5.03 Keystone Report
– new building plan
-- latest building plan
6.0 Board Policy GAOE Adoption (A)
Background: Recent changes in Workers Compensation has caused the need to update our policy. This is the first reading of the updated policy from KASB.
Supporting Documents:
Recommendation: To approve policy GAOE as presented.
7.01 Off Site Prom Request (A)
Recommendation: To allow Prom to be held off site this school year.
7.02 CPA Consultant (A)
Background: There are potentially some discrepancies from the rollover of accounting software as well as reports are printed as desired. The consultant will go over books to assist us in making sure that they are accurate and create reports that we can more effectively use.
Supporting Documentation: Sample Engagement Letter
Recommendation: To contract with NYP CPA for analsyis and correction of current accounting software and report.
8.01 Executive Session – Personnel (A)
Recommendation: To go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel matters pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the boardroom at_______.
9.01 Other
9.02 Adjourn